The Banjo Barometer

Quarterly insights on SME lending activity.
SMEs hunkering down, taking the long view.

We’ve got the latest on the SME market – a snapshot of loan activity, performance and trends to help your business decisions.

As a seasoned non-bank business lender, Banjo’s portfolio serves as a barometer for the state of SME businesses across Australia.

Our latest analysis shows:
  • SMEs have settled in for ongoing low growth
  • Borrowing activity fell for each quarter of the financial year
  • Declined loans are on the increase
  • Existing loans continue to be well-managed.
Get the full picture with the Banjo Barometer.

Download THE Q4 FY24
Banjo Barometer

  • This insightful resource has become a reliable tool
    for strategic planning. It provides actionable intel
    for staying in touch in what is a highly competitive business landscape.

Helping hard working Australian businesses to continue to grow

We’re a team who understands that small to medium-sized businesses are the engine room of our economies, cities and communities. Our mission is to power their growth through simple, smart financial solutions. Banjo makes it easier for businesses to access the right finance they need to move forward. We’re proud to assist in helping businesses to reach the next chapter in their development and success.

We help a broad range of businesses to grow and reach their potential.

Copyright © 2023 Banjo® Loans. Banjo® and Banjo Score® are registered trade marks used under licence by Banjo Loans. All loans are provided by FundIT Ltd ACN 601 130 527 in its capacity as trustee of the Banjo Small Business Loan Fund ABN 32 713 685 984 (AFSL 468033). All loans are subject to eligibility criteria and approval by Banjo. Upfront fee, terms and conditions apply.
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